7 Things Most People Don’t Know About Sweating Profuse
People faced with Sweating profusely need to consult the doctor to know whether any other health issue is causing it. Sweating should not be taken very lightly.
For most people, sweating is indeed a normal as well as natural way for the body to help regulate its temperature and also cool itself down when temperatures rise. On the other hand, for some people, sweating is an abnormally constant part of life, soaking their shirts as well as dampening their hands no matter the weather or level of activity.
Hyperhidrosis is not something to be too concerned about. If not experiencing any secondary side effects (such as heat rash or skin infections) and able to do normal activities, it will cause much nuisance requiring extra breathable clothing and strong antiperspirants.
Yet, sweating profuse can indicate an underlying health concern.
1. Excessive sweating comes on suddenly as well as unexpectedly
Unexpected sweating can indicate stress or anxiety. This type of sweat is different from regular perspiration that results from one’s body’s attempts to cool the person as it is caused by a “surge in adrenaline,” or one’s body’s fight-or-flight response.
Unexpected sweating could be a sign of a heart attack or an underlying heart problem. Emergency help is needed as quickly as possible.
2. Feeling faint, dizzy, or lightheaded
When sweating is accompanied by a feeling of dizziness or lightheadedness, it can indicate an underlying health issue such as low blood sugar levels, or hypoglycemia, which can be due to a drop in blood pressure.
3. The sweating is accompanied by insomnia, flushing, fatigue, chest pain, seizures, or increased thirst and urination
Taking stock of one’s overall health can help determine if excessive sweating is indeed part of a larger issue. Insomnia plus sweating, for example, can be a sign of hyperthyroidism.
Sweating along with flushing (when one’s face and chest feel hot and change color) may signal carcinoid syndrome, or when a rare cancerous tumor tends to secrete certain chemicals into one’s bloodstream.
Excessive sweating coupled with chest pain does indicate a serious heart condition, so is necessary to seek immediate medical attention if faced with chest pain.
Seizures accompanied by sweating could be due to an overdose of medication, Sweating with fatigue implies infection or low blood pressure.
Finally, increased thirst cum urination is linked with diabetes and blood glucose levels
4. Experiencing flu-like symptoms, including a fever or cough
Sweating accompanied by a fever can mean a bacterial or viral infection such as malaria or tuberculosis, which is also accompanied by a cough, Fever can be due to a change in body temperature.
As the fever breaks, people experience an increased amount of sweat.
5. Experiencing other skin issues such as rash or hives
If sweat stays on one’s skin, the person may experience itching or irritation that will go away on its own once the person stops sweating or changes into clean, dry clothes. However, experts say that skin issues such as rash or hives might indicate a fungal skin infection or another medical condition.

7 Things Most People Don’t Know About Sweating Profuse
It helps to consult the doctor or dermatologist to pinpoint the cause of the skin issues.
6. Excess sweating can be a side effect of a few medications, or a sign that the dosage needs to be adjusted.
Sweating can be due to several medications, including:
- Stimulants such as amphetamines and caffeine.
- Some diabetic medications such as sulfonylureas.
- Pain medications including opioids.
- Various psychiatric medications.
- Hormonal medications such as birth control pills.
- Thyroid medications.
- Oral steroids.
Since sweating happens to be an expected side effect of a few medications and can also signal that the dose may need to be adjusted.
7. If faced with a lot of stress or experiencing panic attacks.
Lots of people sweat when faced with stressful situations, like before public speaking. In case sweating is accompanied by other symptoms of panic or anxiety, then consult the doctor or therapist, who can properly diagnose the underlying mental health concerns.
Thus, sweating cannot be taken lightly.
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