Hello doctor, What steps should be taken if someone is diagnosed with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus? Are there any natural or homeopathy treatment centers for this chronic disease?
Hi Ganesh garu, fatigue, fever, arthralgia, and weight changes are the most common symptoms in new cases or recurrent active SLE flares. Fatigue, the most common constitutional symptom associated with SLE, can be due to active SLE, medications, lifestyle habits, or concomitant fibromyalgia or affective disorders. SLE is an autoimmune disease that can affect many systems of the body, and so the signs and symptoms that appear depend upon the body system that is affected. No two people with SLE will present the same symptom picture. Homeopathic medicines for SLE play a supportive role in the treatment of the condition and should be taken along with conventional medicines for best results. Homeopathic medicines for SLE are safe to use among people of all age groups. A person should consider the use of homeopathic medicine for SLE strictly under the supervision of a homeopathic physician, and avoid self-medication. Please call on +918885920000, for more details about Homoeopathic medicines and for online consultation. “There is no better time than now to start living healthy today”. Stay Healthy with one of the “Best Homoeopathic treatments” @ Dr. AnkiReddy’s clinic.