Hi Doctor,
I am suffering from Obesity for the past one years. I couldn’t even step outside due to my Obese. Please suggest me a treatment so that I may get cured from Obesity.
Thanking you,
Hai Ramesh garu, Obesity is one of the biggest health issues that is a reason for distress for people of all age groups. The two most commonly advanced reasons for the increase in the prevalence of obesity are certain food marketing practices and institutionally-driven reductions in physical activity. Many factors influence body weight-genes, though the effect is small, and heredity is not destiny; prenatal and early life influences; poor diets; too much television watching; too little physical activity and sleep; and our food and physical activity environment. Nothing to worry about. Homoeopathic medicines work by stimulating the body’s metabolism to burn more fat. Exercise is very essential for weight loss along with medicines. Homeopathic medicines are no substitute for exercise. In Fact, exercise along with medicine can accentuate weight loss. Controlling diet is a must for weight loss. Low Carb diet is suggested to be beneficial. Some commonly indicated Homoeopathic medicines for Obesity are Calcarea Carb, Natrum. Mur, Lycopodium, Nux Vomica, Antimonium Crud, Ignatia etc. But none of these homeopathic medicines for obesity should be taken without advice from a professional Homoeopathic consultant. Please call on +918885920000 for more details about treatment. Stay Healthy with one of the “Best Homoeopathic treatments” @ Dr. AnkiReddy’s clinic.