Hi sir ,my son is suffering from Asthma . my realtives are giving suggestion like homeopathy is more chance to cure asthma .Is child Asthma curable in homeopathy? please tell me sir
Hi Laxman garu, Asthma is the leading cause of chronic (long-term) illness in children. It affects more than 7 million children in the United States. For unknown reasons, the rate is steadily increasing. Asthma can begin at any age, but most children who have it have their first symptom by age 5. Symptoms of childhood Asthma includes; frequent coughing that worsens when the child has a viral infection, occurs while the child is asleep or is triggered by exercise or cold air, a whistling or wheezing sound when breathing out and shortness of breath. Symptoms that start in childhood can disappear later in life. Sometimes, however, a child’s asthma goes away temporarily, only to return a few years later. But other children with asthma particularly those with severe asthma never outgrow it. There are a number of studies showing an association between childhood asthma and reduced lung function. Reduced lung function tends to persist, baseline lung function is a strong predictor of later lung function. Several studies have shown that asthma is a risk factor for COPD or undiagnosed chronic airway obstruction. Homeopathy is one of the best treatments for childhood Asthma, it treats from the root and doesn’t cause any side-effects. Selection of the medicines depend on age factors, how long you are suffering from the problem, symptoms and lab reports. Please call on +918885920000 for more details about medicines and online consultation. “A Healthy outside starts from the inside”. Stay Healthy with one of the “Best Homeopathic treatments” @ Dr. AnkiReddy’s clinic