Hello Sir, I am Karthika Reddy I am Suffering With PCOD Problem. Is there any Homeopathy treatment for my Problem.
Please suggest ASAP.
Hai Karthika Reddy gaaru, PolyCystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS). It is related to the ovaries and causing hormonal disturbances. With 1 in 5 women suffering from PCOS in India. Women who suffer from PCOS produce higher than usual levels of androgen. Other side effects for PCOS include such as weight gain, acne, hair fall or excess hair growth. Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome is curable with the Homeopathic mode of treatment. Homeopathy for polycystic ovarian syndrome is very safe and free from side effects. These Homoeopathic medicines are required to extract the disease from its roots varies from case to case. Both the physical and mental spheres of the patient are thoroughly investigated while prescribing the medicine. The complete cure of PCOS is a time-consuming process and it cannot be expected in a few days. It requires complete observation regarding the change of symptoms in the patient and frequent clinical follow-ups. Please call on +918885920000, for more details about Homoeopathic medicines and for online consultation. “There is no better time than now to start living healthy today”. Stay Healthy with one of the “Best Homoeopathic treatments” @ Dr. AnkiReddy’s clinic.