Hi sir, I have had an Urticaria Pigmentosa for 5 years. I have visited many hospitals but nothing cured me. What are the ways to overcome it? is there any homeopathy treatment?
Hi Tirumal garu, Urticaria pigmentosa is an allergy-mediated skin condition that causes discolored lesions and itchy skin. The condition is characterized by the presence of too many mast cells in the skin. Mast cells are part of your immune system. Urticaria pigmentosa goes away by puberty in about one half of affected children. Symptoms usually get better in others as they grow into adulthood. In adults, urticaria pigmentosa can lead to systemic mastocytosis. Homeopathy medicines for urticaria Pigmentosa treat the condition very effectively. Homeopathy heals skin diseases effectively, following a mild and safe approach. These medicines follow a curative rather than a suppressive approach while treating urticaria. Homeopathy medicines for each case of urticaria are selected based on individual symptoms. Homeopathic medicines have a good impact on health. So, it is highly recommended to opt for homeopathic treatment for Urticaria Pigmentosa. Please call on +918885920000, for more details about Homoeopathic medicines and for online consultation. “There is no better time than now to start living healthy today”. Stay Healthy with one of the “Best Homoeopathic treatments” @ Dr. AnkiReddy’s clinic.