Causes, Symptoms, and Homeopathy Treatment of Piebaldism

Piebaldism is a genetic condition, which is typically present at birth, and a person does develop an unpigmented or white patch of skin or hair. The cells…

Treat hypertension with Homeopathy

  Blood pressure is a major health problem and one needs to be concerned about it. One must not neglect it and ensure that one gets the…

Ichthyosis: Homeopathic Treatment, Symptoms, Causes & Types

Ichthyosis is actually derived from the Greek word “ichthys” thus meaning “fish”. It is no doubt a skin disorder in which there is a formation of dry,…

8 Symptoms of Infertility-Related Depression and Anxiety

One often gets focused on infertility and there are moments when one goes to sleep and wakes up thinking about getting pregnant. This could be infertility-related depression…

Viral Warts and Its Solution with Homeopathy

A wart (also referred to as verruca) is generally a small, rough tumor, that appears typically on hands and feet but also often on other locations of…

Symptoms, causes, homeopathic treatment of Parkinson’s

Parkinson’s disease is also known as paralysis agitans or shaking palsy which happens to be a movement disorder. The nerve cells in the part of one’s brain…

Polymyositis – Symptoms, Causes and Homeopathy Treatment

Polymyositis is acknowledged as a chronic and indeed difficult disease condition thus calling for long-term planning treatment. As the name suggests, it is poly-many, my muscles, sites-inflammation.…

Heel Spur: Symptoms and Homeopathy Treatment

Pain in one’s heel does restrict movement and causes much discomfort on walking or standing which also disturbs one’s mental outlook. The pain is due to a…

Symptoms and treatment of Graves’ disease

We need to know more about Graves’ disease: Graves’ disease happens to be an autoimmune disease of the thyroid that results from abnormal stimulation of the thyroid…

Causes and Treatment of Furunculosis

Furuncle is actually another word for a boil. Boils are bacterial or fungal infections of our hair follicles. The infected hair follicle can, in fact, be on…

Causes, symptoms, and treatment of Hematuria

Female cystoscopy and Male cystoscopy The following tests and examinations do indeed play a key role in finding a cause for blood in one’s urine: Physical exam,…

Prostatitis: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, and Cure

What is Prostatitis (Inflammation of the Prostate Gland)? One does suffer from chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CP/CPPS). This is indeed the most common type of prostatitis.…

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