What are Tennis Elbow- symptoms and causes?
Tennis elbow is a painful health issue and needs medical attention if acute. Several tennis elbow causes are there that prove to be troublesome and it is better to consult a specialist.
Tennis elbow happens to be a painful condition of the tendons caused by overuse of one’s elbow. The pain can spread from the elbow into the forearm and also the wrist. The major symptom is a pain in one’s arm when there are movements such as e lifting an object (pains even when picking a sheet of paper), writing or perhaps holding a cup, turning the wrist while opening the car door or opening a jar, pain or even stiffness when a person stretches one’s hand. Severe cases may indeed require help in wearing shirts as well as combing hair.
The major cause of course happens to be the overuse of one’s arm, be it in a sport or one’s profession. It is indeed caused due to damage to the specific tendon. Minor tear does occur in the tendons which lead to inflammation as well as pain. The activities whereby there are constant repetitive arms and also wrist movements will no doubt cause Tennis elbow. Activities such as sports involving games like tennis, badminton, squash or throwing discus, use of paint brush while painting the walls, carpentry activities, sculpture making, typing as well as writing, wear and tear due to age, wiggling clothes after washing them.
Tennis elbow cannot be prevented but certain practices might indeed help reduce progression as well as severity – provide rest to the arms when there happens to be a slight pain, avoiding sudden jerky movements, maintaining the muscles flexibility by practicing regular exercise.
If a person has been experiencing new, severe, or persistent symptoms, contacting the health care provider does help.
Major symptom happens to be the pain in the arm when there are movements such as:
- Lifting an object (pains even when picking a sheet of paper).
- Writing or holding a cup.
- Turning the wrist while opening the car door or opening a jar.
- Pain or stiffness when you stretch your hand.
- Severe cases may require help in wearing shirts and combing hair.
If experiencing new, severe, or even persistent symptoms, then it is better to contact a health care provider.
Major symptom happens to be the pain in the arm when there are movements such as:
- Lifting an object (pains even when picking a sheet of paper).
- Writing or perhaps holding a cup.
- Turning one’s wrist while opening the car door or opening a jar.
- Pain or even stiffness when a person stretches his or her hand.
- Severe cases can indeed require help in wearing shirts as well as combing hair.

What are Tennis Elbow- symptoms and causes?
Tennis elbow causes
The activities where there happens to be constant repetitive arms and wrist movements will in fact lead to Tennis elbow. Activities like:
- Major cause happens to be the overuse of the arm, be it in a sport or even in one’s profession. It is caused on account of damage to the specific tendon. Minor tear does occur in the tendons which lead to inflammation as well as pain.
- Sports like tennis, badminton, squash or even throwing discus.
- Making use of paint brush while painting the walls, carpentry activities, sculpture making, typing as well as writing.
- Wear and also tear due to age.
- Wiggling clothes after washing them.
It cannot be prevented, but certain practices might rather help reduce progression as well as severity
- Providing rest to the arms when there is a slight pain.
- Avoiding sudden jerky movements.
- Maintaining the muscles flexibility by practicing regular exercise.
Complications linked with tennis elbow are:
- Recurrence of the injury.
- Rupture of tendons.
It is better to consult a specialist, if Tennis elbow is problematic.
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